A Response to Dr. Lyle Rapacki’s Latest Podcast and
Column in the “Prescott e News” on the Situation with
the Arizona Senate’s Challenge to the November, 2020,
Presidential Election in Maricopa County, Arizona
(March, 8, 2021)
Note: This essay began as a response to Mr. Philip Carlson of Texas who wrote a response to Dr. Rapacki’s Arizona Today column of March 4th 2021. It became however a vehicle to express my collected thoughts and especially my frustrations with those Senators and other citizens like Dr. Rapacki who have taken on the task of keeping the citizens of Arizona “informed” about what is happening with the challenge in Maricopa County to the Presidential Election held last November. The considerable alarm that built up in my psyche as the weeks drug on should become apparent in what follows.
Yes—to Philip Carlson of Texas—Dr. Rapacki and others are “exposing fraud”--and talking and talking and talking. But for weeks and weeks they have refused to ask the central questions and in his Podcast, put out I think only 4 days ago, Dr. Rapacki still has time to kowtow and grovel before Mayor Giuliani--a shameful attitude when any thinking American--much less an Arizona Cowboy--knows that the highest credential in the Land is the Citizenship that every single man woman and child in the nation has at the moment of birth! Giuliani has his job to do, just as you and I do, and if being in Arizona were not helpful to his purposes then he wouldn't be here, ever! Yes, Giuliani has been playing the hero, but he is a politician and has not always acted like one! Look it up. So this kowtowing is as shameful as it is inexplicable; but to my mind this is not the worst.
In his latest podcast Rapacki is still apologizing for the Arizona Senate saying "in their defense" that the issue being unprecedented they just didn't know the law! My God! Aren't some of them lawyers themselves? Don't any of them have a telephone? If so, why didn’t they use it to call an Arizona lawyer who is competent in Arizona election Law? Jesus! This is just not believable. So, please stop talking like this! Don’t force me to start calling you people liars! I am a gentleman and I don’t want to do that! Stop apologizing and just tell it like it is. And start asking the right questions!
But this too isn’t even the worst of it, so please keep on reading. As I said above Rapacki and the rest, both citizens and citizen representatives, have not asked the right questions or demanded that what those questions address be responded to with that homely old fashioned thing we call “Action?” Here are the questions. There are more than you would think—and I will not exhaust them all.
1. Dr. Rapacki and all of those citizens who wrote to him and to the County Supervisors know very well that there are “bad actors” involved in this election who are willing to risk indictment for crimes involved in what was essentially a coup de’ état! So, why have these Senators continued to play nice with them? Why? For to play nice with insincere people is simply foolish and dangerous and an invitation to further mischief and especially delay after delay! And that is what has happened—and that is in fact the most dramatic thing that has happened! But why, I ask parenthetically, is delay (time) an issue at all? It’s simple. If criminals and traitors are in charge of the very evidence that might pull not just Arizona but the Nation back from the brink, that evidence must be seized and placed into protective custody—I mean real protective custody! And when must this be done? Now of course! Yesterday! Eighteen weeks ago for goodness sakes! But this hasn’t been done. Apparently it hasn’t even been tried. Why?
2. Weeks ago the Arizona Senate subpoenaed all the evidence including the ballots and the machines that were used to “count” them. So, here’s the question: do those subpoenas have attached to them any power? Because if not, they are not just meaningless, but not even subpoenas! Without teeth a subpoena is but a pretense and a fake that gives the voting public the false notion that our system of laws works when it does not! After all, to issue a subpoena implies that the thing actually has power behind it, and which power our Senators are willing to use in the public’s interest! But are they? They issued the subpoena and then just sat back and looked like children who were hurt because no one acknowledged them and they didn’t get their piece of candy. Really, are these people adults or children?
3. Rapacki states in his latest podcast the following: “there is NOW a question of our election integrity!”
But why just “Now”? Why does Dr. Rapacki use the word “now” only now—18 weeks later? I, and certainly a few others, knew from the moment we got word that the Supervisors had refused to honor the Subpoena that the Devil was afoot, the evidence was in danger, and with all haste that evidence needed to be seized and protected! Didn’t Dr. Rapacki and our Senators know that as well? Are they children and completely naive? Frankly, such naiveté is just not believable. And to be completely honest I am now beginning to doubt the sincerity of those who claim to be concerned to repair the natural integrity of the election system in Arizona!
4. Rapacki is only “NOW” worried over the “chain of custody” of the evidence. Did he just learn that legal term? He may not be a lawyer, but hasn’t he heard and had explained to him a thousand times on his television the importance of documenting and protecting a “chain of custody?” So, here’s another question that to my knowledge no one in charge has answered, or even asked:
5. Does a Senate subpoena come with the power to issue Warrants? If it does, and given the fact that they certainly must have known that there were bad actors among the County Supervisors, why wasn’t a Warrant for seizure issued and given to the State Police or the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office at the time that the Subpoena was issued?
6. And, if their subpoenas have no such power, in fact have no teeth, then why didn’t they file briefs immediately (Immediately!) to the appropriate court to get that Warrant? Why? And why weren’t those Papers filed asking for “emergency” relief and an “immediate” judgment due to the vital national interests involved in the Arizona case and the potential danger to the evidence? Goodness! Look at the starkness of the situation! Think about it. None of the other “battleground” states have any such legal challenges under way and so it looks like the fate of the Republic itself is in the hands of these bunglers in Arizona who claim to be concerned for their neighbors! Frankly, I have serious doubts about the veracity of their concern. Why? Because I have trouble believing that adults sitting in high places are that stupid! Here’s another question:
7. Do these bunglers not see and understand that the entire Nation is waiting for them as their last hope to un-coup the Coup? Don’t they realize the weight that they have, seemingly, been willing to take upon themselves? Are they dunces and nincompoops presuming to wear the robes of Elders?
8. Next, why did they wait (delay, delay, and more delay) for the Supervisors to file for “relief” and thereby place the clock into the hands of those who they knew to be in bad faith? This is a very good question! Why did they place themselves in the position of being “defendants” and not the plaintiffs in this case? Did they imagine that because the Clock is a manmade contrivance and not from Nature made that the damn thing was not ticking? It was and still is ticking! Next:
9. What did they think was happening to the evidence—which was held by bad actors—during the weeks and weeks and weeks while they played into the hands of the delay tactics of the Maricopa County Supervisors? Did they think, as many naïve Americans thought, that God himself would secure and protect the ballots and the machines that “counted” them? Yes, faith is a fine thing. But shouldn’t all of these Christian thinkers have known long since that “faith without works is emptiness?” Someone needed to ACT! But no one would, and no one did!
10. Next, I will make no excuses for Dr. Rapacki or any of those involved. In his podcast he completely misinterprets the comments made by Judge Thomason! He suggests that the judge’s criticisms were directed only at the County Supervisors , an interpretation that is not in any way defensible and can only confuse the people concerning the frightful situation they are in being subject to Judge Thomason’s court! In brief, it takes two to tango! And similarly it takes two sides to have an argument. But there is nothing in the Judge’s comments that suggest that he is criticizing only the County Supervisors! The Judge talks about political bickering and criticizes spending the people’s tax dollars on that foolish bickering—which includes both sides! There are several implications to this and none of them are good. In the first place it seems obvious to me that the Judge is signaling that he doesn’t in fact see any cogency to the Senate’s legal briefs and doesn’t in fact think they have a case! In fact, he thinks they are just indulging in petty partisan bickering, and says as much! Doesn’t Rapacki see this and its implications for a positive outcome to this national crisis? Or, if the Judge does see that they have a case, and a very strong case, then he is pretending that he doesn’t—a situation that is even worse because if he does see the true nature of the thing and will not act, it means that either he is no true Judge at all, or worse, Judge Thomason is afraid to buck the “Orders” that come from God knows where and which Orders we all saw rippling across every county in America and which involved a very well planned if silent coup de’ état! Again, Rapacki’s reading of Judge Thomason’s comments are not in the least defensible, but simply provide for a public, who deserve better, empty hopes and pie in the sky. And let’s not forget that up to this point that coup was and continues to be a complete success! And, if Arizona is our last hope, that election will shepherd in, under the same name, an entirely new system, a system that, strangely, will look exactly like the Class-Based Authoritarian System that we had under King George III. And under this “New Republic” the only difference will be that everyone is in lockstep, wearing a mask, and every electronic device inside and outside our homes will be spying on us for a Power (not Light) Based Authoritarian State! That’s already happening and for the most part we don’t seem to be troubled by it in the least! And frankly I don’t think that our Arizona Senators even see much less understand this truly ominous threat.
11. Furthermore the Judge again threw the conflict back into the hands of the Senate and “found” only what everyone already knew—namely that the Senate has subpoena power! And yet apparently the subject of a Warrant wasn’t brought up either by the Judge or the attorneys for the Senate—and most certainly the Judge did not signal the Senate that he would welcome a request for an immediate Warrant! So, here’s the next question: That “Finding” of Judge Thomason was issued 9 days ago! This means that another week has gone by and predictably the County has still not turned over any of the evidence. Did the Senate not see that coming? I can’t believe that at this late stage they didn’t ask for a warrant, or have one waiting in the wings! And yet, it appears that the Senate has neither asked for nor issued a Warrant or sent the County Sheriff’s Department to seize the evidence and put it into protective custody! So, the question is, why will they not act? Are they like children having seen the Boogieman, frozen in terror and unable to move? And why do they continue to play into the hands of the County Supervisors who if not Traitors to the Republic are at least actors who are in bad faith with those who have elected them, and very likely criminals into the bargain? Nine days have passed since the Judges official “Finding!” Why is the Senate still sitting on its hands?
12. And who is guarding the Chicken House wherein the ballots and machines are being held? Does anyone know? I certainly don’t, and to my knowledge neither Dr. Rapacki nor any of our Senators have ever addressed this in any serious way! And who can guarantee for me, and indeed for the entire nation, that that evidence has not been tampered with over the period of weeks and weeks that the Arizona Senators have been sitting on their hands? This drama began on November 4
th of last year! That was nearly 18 weeks ago! Is there a security company guarding that evidence? If so, what is the name of that company, and what are the names of the individual guards that have been assigned to that duty? I want to meet them and talk earnestly with them. And where is that evidence? Is it in one place or in many? And does even one person in the Arizona Senate have the answer to any of these questions. Have they even asked them, or tried to find the answers to them? Or, as I suspect, have they assumed that these questions have no relevance? Don’t they know that there are no laws on the books that are more ubiquitous than laws against conspiracies? Where have they been? Again are they naïve children and nincompoops masquerading as wise elders and indeed “Senators?” Who is guarding the Chicken House, and who is guarding those who currently have charge of the chickens? I don’t know because no one has bothered to tell me. And I suspect that you, my neighbors, are similarly in the dark concerning the answers to all of these questions.
13. And lastly the number thirteen—a number that does not bode well—does anyone reading these questions actually trust that the system in Arizona still works? Does any reader believe that this national crisis will somehow, magically, come out all right in the end? Well, if Hope is an intellectual as well as a transcendental Virtue, then I just have to say it: every bit of the evidence derived from this fiasco, and which Reason claims as its bread-and-butter, demands that we answer these questions in the negative. In my view the system is completely dysfunctional. In my view, the American Republic is hanging on the brink, and a half dozen sincere Cowboys with lassoes and Winchesters and shit on their boots could have handled this situation better than these nincompoops in Maricopa County who have been giving us report after report and will continue to give us reports till, as we say, “the cows come home” and the Republic requires to be spoken of only in the past tense! In Texas they have the saying, “One riot, one Ranger!” In Arizona however it appears that we don’t have even one Cowboy to step up and stop this riot of criminality and utter incompetence! Yes, the People continue to speak out but it seems that they just don’t understand—every one of our so-called “leaders” hears, understands, and agrees with what they are saying! The problem is that, apparently, not even one has the courage to step up and Act, not one!
Now, my horror has been growing day after day and week after week and at this point I fear that the Republic is dead and Arizona, its last hope, has allowed it to happen. Someone, anyone, prove me wrong—but don’t dare try to do it with more words. Show me someone, anyone, who will Act, act according to the power given to them by the People of Arizona! Who is that person? Step forward.
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